Official Gazette nº 18 Ordinary of 30/4/2018

Ibirimo/Summary/Sommaire page/urup.


N° 20/2018 ryo ku wa 29/04/2018

Itegeko rigena amabwiriza mu by’indege za gisivili…………………………………………...2

N° 20/2018 of 29/04/2018

Law establishing regulations governing civil aviation………………………………………....2

N° 20/2018 du 29/04/2018

Loi portant règlementation de l’aviation civile………………………………………………...2

N° 21/2018 ryo ku wa 29/04/2018

Itegeko rihindura Itegeko n°42/2011 ryo ku wa 31/10/2011 ryerekeye umutekano w’iby’indege

za gisivili……………………………………………………………………………………...90

N° 21/2018 of 29/04/2018

Law modifying Law n° 42/2011 of 31/10/2011 relating to civil aviation security…………….90

N21/2018 du 29/04/2018

Loi modifiant la Loi no42/2011 du 31/10/2011 relative à la sureté de l’aviation civile……….90

Gazette issue number: 
Gazette Date: 
Monday, April 30, 2018
Gazette Issue Type: 